Friday, October 3, 2008

RTC 201--Power Point Presentation Topics

The following topics will be presented by the second year students on Friday, November 21, 2008. Grading Criteria for all Power Point presentations will be posted on this Web Log in a subsequent post. Keep checking in.

1. Discuss the structure of a human cell (There are many different types of cell in the human body so focus on the "generalized cell" that includes features from all cell types). Describe the purpose and function of each component of the cell. Include diagrams and images of the cell produced by the electron microscope.

2. The cell cycle is often described as a process of division allowing the duplication of cells. Discuss the various phases of the human cell cycle. Also, how does the process of Mitosis differ from the process of Meiosis

3. Discuss the effects of ionizing radiation on the human cell. Include the types of cell death, and other effects such as mitotic delay, reproductive failure, and interference of cell function

4. What is the role of each of the following organizations in Radiation Safety: (What are they responsible for, or what do they do)
-Nuclear Regulatory Commission
-National Council on Radiation protection and Measurements
-Food and Drug Administration
-International Council on Radiation Protection and Measurements
Which state agency in New Jersey is responsible for Radiation safety in the state? What is their role in ensuring that the public is protected.

5. Discuss the sources of radiation exposure to human beings. What percentage of exposure occurs from natural sources, and artificial sources? Compare the exposure levels from each of the following medical sources:
-diagnostic radiology (focus on CT and Fluoroscopy)
-dental radiology
-interventional radiology
-nuclear medicine
-radiation oncology

6. Discuss the various devices used to detect and/or measure radiation. Which device is used for each type of radiation and how does it work. Cover in detail the methods and types of personnel monitors. What are the dose limits for occupational, non-occupational, critical organs, embryo and fetus?

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